Elvenking keikat

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John Smith Rock Frozen: Paradise Lost (GBR), Amorphis, Katatonia (SWE), Blind Channel, Suburban tribe, Dead by April (SWE), Bloodred Hourglass, Kotiteollisuus, Marianas Rest, Elvenking (ITA), Where's my Bible

29.11. - 30.11.2024

Artistit: Amorphis, Blind Channel, Katatonia, Paradise Lost (GBR), Suburban Tribe, Dead By April, Bloodred Hourglass, Kotiteollisuus, Marianas Rest, Elvenking (ITA)

Paikka: Paviljonki, Lutakko, Jyvskyl, Suomi

Liput: 69,50/129,50 (1/2pv)€ (Lippu.fi)
John Smith Rock Frozen: Paradise Lost (GBR), Amorphis, Katatonia (SWE), Blind Channel, Suburban tribe, Dead by April (SWE), Bloodred Hourglass, Kotiteollisuus, Marianas Rest, Elvenking (ITA), Where's my Bible 29.11. - 30.11.2024   Artistit:  Amorphis,  Blind Channel,  Katatonia,  Paradise Lost (GBR),  Suburban Tribe,  Dead By April,  Bloodred Hourglass,  Kotiteollisuus,  Marianas Rest,  Elvenking (ITA)   Paikka: Paviljonki, Lutakko, Jyvskyl, Suomi      Osta liput (69,50/129,50  (1/2pv)€)       Liput: 69,50/129,50  (1/2pv)€  (Lippu.fi)

John Smith Rock Frozen: Paradise Lost (GBR), Amorphis, Katatonia (SWE), Blind Channel, Suburban tribe, Dead by April (SWE), Bloodred Hourglass, Kotiteollisuus, Marianas Rest, Elvenking (ITA), Where's my Bible

29.11. - 30.11.2024

Artistit: Amorphis, Blind Channel, Katatonia, Paradise Lost (GBR), Suburban Tribe, Dead By April, Bloodred Hourglass, Kotiteollisuus, Marianas Rest, Elvenking (ITA)

Paikka: Paviljonki, Lutakko, Jyvskyl, Suomi

Liput: 69,50/129,50 (1/2pv)€ (Lippu.fi)
John Smith Rock Frozen: Paradise Lost (GBR), Amorphis, Katatonia (SWE), Blind Channel, Suburban tribe, Dead by April (SWE), Bloodred Hourglass, Kotiteollisuus, Marianas Rest, Elvenking (ITA), Where's my Bible 29.11. - 30.11.2024   Artistit:  Amorphis,  Blind Channel,  Katatonia,  Paradise Lost (GBR),  Suburban Tribe,  Dead By April,  Bloodred Hourglass,  Kotiteollisuus,  Marianas Rest,  Elvenking (ITA)   Paikka: Paviljonki, Lutakko, Jyvskyl, Suomi      Osta liput (69,50/129,50  (1/2pv)€)       Liput: 69,50/129,50  (1/2pv)€  (Lippu.fi)

Tuska Open Air Metal Festival: Bring Me The Horizon (GBR), Amorphis, Opeth (SWE), Health (USA), Lord of The Lost (DEU), Eivr (FRO), Elvenking (ITA), Devourment (USA), Alestorm (SCO), Vola (DNK), Voyager (AUS), Riverside (POL), Bury Tomorrow (GBR) ym.

28.06. - 30.06.2024

Artistit: Bring Me The Horizon (GBR), Amorphis, Opeth, Stam1na, Riverside (POL), Bloodred Hourglass, Bury Tomorrow, Infected Rain (MDA), Brothers of Metal, Rytmihiri, Tarot, Sonata Arctica, Annisokay, Beyond the Black, Warmen, Elvenking (ITA), Eivr (FRO), Lord of the Lost, Lost Society

Paikka: Suvilahti, Helsinki, Suomi

Liput: 139/189/239 (1/2/3pv) €
Tuska Open Air Metal Festival: Bring Me The Horizon (GBR), Amorphis, Opeth (SWE), Health (USA), Lord of The Lost (DEU), Eivr (FRO), Elvenking (ITA), Devourment (USA), Alestorm (SCO), Vola (DNK), Voyager (AUS), Riverside (POL), Bury Tomorrow (GBR) ym. 28.06. - 30.06.2024   Artistit:  Bring Me The Horizon (GBR),  Amorphis,  Opeth,  Stam1na,  Riverside (POL),  Bloodred Hourglass,  Bury Tomorrow,  Infected Rain (MDA),  Brothers of Metal,  Rytmihiri,  Tarot,  Sonata Arctica,  Annisokay,  Beyond the Black,  Warmen,  Elvenking (ITA),  Eivr (FRO),  Lord of the Lost,  Lost Society   Paikka: Suvilahti, Helsinki, Suomi       Osta liput  (139/189/239  (1/2/3pv)€)  (ticketmaster.fi)        Osta liput  (139/189/239  (1/2/3pv)€)  (tiketti.fi)     Liput: 139/189/239  (1/2/3pv) €

Nummirock: Behemoth (POL), Asking Alexandria (GBR), Stam1na, Vader (POL), Stratovarius, Turmion Ktilt, Bloodywood (IND), Finntroll, Born of Osiris (USA), Elvenking (ITA), Aborted (BEL), Blood Red Throne (NOR), Misyrming (ISL), Gutalax (CZE) ym.

21.06. - 24.06.2023

Artistit: Asking Alexandria (GBR), Stam1na, Before the Dawn, Finntroll, Ruoska, Bloodred Hourglass, One Morning Left, Foreseen, Heavy Metal Perse, Behemoth (POL), Turmion Ktilt, Maj Karma, Brymir, Mors Subita, Elvenking (ITA), Kalmah, Stratovarius, Vader (POL), Gutalax (CZE), Nyrkkitappelu, Valse Triste

Paikka: Nummijrvi, Kauhajoki, Suomi

Liput: 79-89/149-159/175 (1/2/4pv)€ (tiketti.fi)
Nummirock: Behemoth (POL), Asking Alexandria (GBR), Stam1na, Vader (POL), Stratovarius, Turmion Ktilt, Bloodywood (IND), Finntroll, Born of Osiris (USA), Elvenking (ITA), Aborted (BEL), Blood Red Throne (NOR), Misyrming (ISL), Gutalax (CZE) ym. 21.06. - 24.06.2023   Artistit:  Asking Alexandria (GBR),  Stam1na,  Before the Dawn,  Finntroll,  Ruoska,  Bloodred Hourglass,  One Morning Left,  Foreseen,  Heavy Metal Perse,  Behemoth (POL),  Turmion Ktilt,  Maj Karma,  Brymir,  Mors Subita,  Elvenking (ITA),  Kalmah,  Stratovarius,  Vader (POL),  Gutalax (CZE),  Nyrkkitappelu,  Valse Triste   Paikka: Nummijrvi, Kauhajoki, Suomi      Osta liput (79-89/149-159/175  (1/2/4pv)€)       Liput: 79-89/149-159/175  (1/2/4pv)€  (tiketti.fi)