Dynazty keikat

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Lis Lyly Rockfestival: Mustasch (SWE), Battle Beast, Lordi, Dynazty (SWE), Beast In Black, Dreamtale, Before The Dawn, Orden Ogan (DEU), Primal Fear (DEU) ym.

14.06. - 15.06.2024

Artistit: Mustasch, Battle Beast, Lordi, Dynazty, Beast In Black, Dreamtale, Before the Dawn, Orden Ogan, Primal Fear, Tombstoned, Wishing Well

Paikka: Vaskiluoto, Vaasa, Suomi

Liput: 69/112 (1/2pv)€ (netticket.fi)
Lis Lyly Rockfestival: Mustasch (SWE), Battle Beast, Lordi, Dynazty (SWE), Beast In Black, Dreamtale, Before The Dawn, Orden Ogan (DEU), Primal Fear (DEU) ym. 14.06. - 15.06.2024   Artistit:  Mustasch,  Battle Beast,  Lordi,  Dynazty,  Beast In Black,  Dreamtale,  Before the Dawn,  Orden Ogan,  Primal Fear,  Tombstoned,  Wishing Well   Paikka: Vaskiluoto, Vaasa, Suomi      Osta liput (69/112  (1/2pv)€)       Liput: 69/112  (1/2pv)€  (netticket.fi)

ZRock: Dynazty (SWE), Turmion Ktilt, Diablo, Bloodred Hourglass, Ruoska, Brymir, Atlas, Stereo Terror, DJ Sndi

31.03. - 01.04.2023

Artistit: Dynazty, Diablo, Bloodred Hourglass, Brymir, Atlas, Ruoska, Turmion Ktilt

Paikka: Zemppi Areena, Kempele, Suomi

Liput: 55/85 (1/2pv)€ (ticketmaster.fi)

John Smith Rock Frozen: Apocalyptica, Insomnium, Mokoma, Korpiklaani, Dynazty (SWE), Swallow The Sun, Viikate, Bloodred Hourglass, Nanowar of Steel, Arion, Peer Gnt, One Morning Left

02.12. - 03.12.2022

Artistit: Apocalyptica, Insomnium, Korpiklaani, Mokoma, Dynazty, Swallow the Sun, Viikate, Bloodred Hourglass, Arion, One Morning Left, Peer Gnt

Paikka: Paviljonki, Jyvskyl, Suomi

Liput: 64/104 (1/2pv)€ (lippu.fi)
John Smith Rock Frozen: Apocalyptica, Insomnium, Mokoma, Korpiklaani, Dynazty (SWE), Swallow The Sun, Viikate, Bloodred Hourglass, Nanowar of Steel, Arion, Peer Gnt, One Morning Left 02.12. - 03.12.2022   Artistit:  Apocalyptica,  Insomnium,  Korpiklaani,  Mokoma,  Dynazty,  Swallow the Sun,  Viikate,  Bloodred Hourglass,  Arion,  One Morning Left,  Peer Gnt   Paikka: Paviljonki, Jyvskyl, Suomi      Osta liput (64/104  (1/2pv)€)       Liput: 64/104  (1/2pv)€  (lippu.fi)